Friday, January 23, 2009

i stand corrected

I hate to admit when I'm sucks. Well, I was wrong about the my sensor calibration. Yesterday I went for a 4 mile run that I used weekly when I was training for the Chicago marathon years ago. I measured the run with my car originally and it was damn-near 4 miles - good enough for what I needed. Well with the help of the USATF website and Google maps I've measured it to be 4.01 miles. Well when I finished my run checked the sensor reading sure enough it read 4.03 miles. I guess the calibration was pretty accurate after-all. Now I can trust the sensor and forget about worrying how off my mileage is going to be.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

a new challenge

I've joined yet another online challenge: cold runners/midwest
The most miles in 90 days starting on February 8th - and I'll be representing Missouri for this challenge.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the dreadmill

Today I ran on the dreadmill - it' no fun at all but better than running in the snow. Thursday's forecast for St. Louis is upper 50s - perfect for running. I'd much rather run anyplace else but the the dreadmill but at least it is an option (and free too at the company fitness center).

I ran just over 3 miles according to the Nike+ sensor, however the treadmill reading was slightly below 3 miles. I've read that the readings can be off on the treadmill - luckily I hardly ever run on them.

I've found a few good resources for runners in the St. Louis area:
I'm looking forward to a beautiful Thursday!

Friday, January 16, 2009

my nike+ public profile

My Nike+ public profile:

i've got issues...

...with calibration, that is. Yesterday I tried to calibrate the sensor with a somewhat accurate indoor track. Well, the first problem is that the track has no accurate measure of 1 mile (or 1/2 mile for that matter). You have to run 8.5 laps for one mile - doesn't sound too hard right? Not exactly! This track is not a
symmetrical oval or circle, rather it's twists and turns following the perimeter of the fitness facility.

Okay, no problem - I'll just do my best to approximate 8.5 laps. Well the first mile was not too accurate - something went wrong, not sure what though. I attempted a 1/2 mile calibration which I think may be fairly accurate (or at least until I can get to an outdoor 1/4-mile track

Not too bad, right? No, not really, except when I went to sync my iPod both of my calibration runs did not show up. I know in the big scheme of things this is really no big deal but it is annoying since I'm tracking my progress on the Nike+ site and somehow I feel cheated.

Anyway, here's my progress thus far (minus the 1.5 calibration miles):

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

my first nike+ challenge

Let's see if I can get this to display my first Nike+ challenge:

It works! Now I just have to do something about that last place spot (my Nike+ ID is cshubm).

the first post...

...I've tried this blogging thing before and never stuck it out long enough to keep the blog in existence. We'll just to wait and see but this time I feel will be different since I actually have a theme to keep me focused.

I'm starting this blog to track my progress as I attempt to get back into regular running and possibly (dare I say it) train for another marathon. Let’s begin at why I started running regularly again: to lose weight and get healthy. I received the ipod nano and the Nike+ kit for Christmas a few weeks ago and I’m hooked – even after just a single run. I’m a numbers guy and this thing is perfect (almost) for tracking my progress and keeping me on-track to reach certain goals. There’s also a wealth of information and a huge online running community on the Nike+ website (and no I’m not receiving any endorsements for saying this…not that I would refuse any).